
ATS Bootcamp and XOP


“Ok great!” you say, “you all at ATSFE have convinced me, ATS is the tactical system of choice. I listened to your Top 5 Reasons to Play ATS podcast, I read the Getting Started article and have the rules and markers, and I’ve watched countless Battlefield Walkarounds to pick out the best module for me to start with. I’m so excited!”

“Now how do I play this thing again?”

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ATSFE Has Arrived!

The ATSFE crew have launched our new media empire! Well, empire might be a strong word, BUT we are announcing the launch of ATS Fully Engaged – a multi-media assault on your wargaming senses geared toward Advanced Tobruk System (ATS) players.

We think that ATS is a fantastic system that doesn’t get the love it deserves. It can be somewhat challenging to get into it and at times downright opaque; even then, once you do, there’s not a ton of online support or content out there. 

But all that’s about to change! ATSFE will help guide new players, so that they can start more comfortably with the system. In addition it will provide current players with exciting content, so that they can get more out of the system. 

ATS Fully Engaged (ATSFE) consists of a:

 – YouTube channel

 – This here blog

 – Podcast: ASTFE on the Rocks

On YouTube, you will find module reviews (we’re calling them Battlefield Walkarounds), Opposed Plays of games,  Tutorials, and more!

On the Blog, you’ll find scenario analysis, Tactictorials on how to play the game and play it well, reviews, and other items, including a How to Get Started in ATS guide.

And finally, ATSFE on the Rocks will feature the ATSFE crew sitting around enjoying at least one beverage (on the rocks, of course!) and discussing various topics of ATS interest. There will also be the occasional interview or other special episode.

We think you’ll go from unengaged, or only lightly engaged with ATS, to Fully Engaged. Enjoy!

Evan, Tony, & Mitch

(You can also find us lurking on the ATS Discord Server – ask for an Invite!)
