
Shedding Some Light on Darkest Africa

Welcome to another guest post, this time from Stephen Field. There was a recent discussion in the ATS Facebook group that I thought would be a great topic for an article, and Stephen has delivered that and more in this treatise on the history of ATS in North Africa. It doesn’t cover everything Critical Hit produces for the North African Theater, but it covers a lot of ground that focuses in on the original Tobruk implementation and its various permutations since then. So, without further ado, enjoy this guest post!

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MEVO, Scenario Analysis

This Ain’t No Country for Tanks: ATSFE MEVO Scenario #01

In one of the MEVO Monday articles, Evan talked at length about the difficulties of finding balance in MEVO. In particular, he used the example of the scenario we had played, MEVO #2 No Country for Old Tanks (as an aside, I agree with Evan, that’s a great name for a scenario). Given the rules as they currently exist, it can be pretty much a turkey shoot for the US M1A2s vs the Russians. This is ironic given the name of the scenario since the M1 is actually older than the T-90. At any rate, since that play, I’ve spent some time devising an alternate version of the scenario which should be more fun for both sides to play.

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Tactitorial: Attacking Buildings

We’ve all been there…pinned down by an MG-42 set up in a building and laying down Grazing Fire (14.3.6) right along our only avenue of advance. You’re just sitting there with bullets whizzing by trying to figure out…what do I do now? Do I shoot at the building or do I shoot at the crew? Fear not, fellow ATSers, ATSFE is here to help, or, at least, provide some rules guidance. You won’t need even need to buckle up as this will be a short one, and, we have a play aid for you, too!

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Of Weapons and Warriors I: Generic Vehicles

Today we’re here with the first in a series of posts that could be entitled “Random Things Evan Learned About MEVO Weapons and Vehicles That You Might Want to Know Too, as They Might Improve Your MEVO Experience.” Which, while a fine title in the 18th century, is a mite too long for the 21st (more apropos of the current century would have been something, “6 MEVO Hacks You Never Knew Existed!”).

Today’s topic is about generic vehicle counters. Before you leave in a fit of boredom, let me ask, did you ever wonder, “Where’s my Patria Pasi AFV card? I’ve got this Patria Pasi counter, and I’ve got cards for Patrias Pasis XA-180, XA-185X, and XA-185B, but I’ve got no straight Patria Pasi card – what the deuce?”

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MEVO Saddam at War Breakdown

Welcome to the greatest conflict in history! Erm, the greatest conflict in the 20th century. After WWII was over. But seriously, welcome to an epic conflict that gamers don’t care much about, presumably because it doesn’t involve anyone Americans or Europeans want to root for. I’m just kidding, but seriously, it is a fascinating conflict that goes quite a bit beyond the stereotype of WWI-in-the-80s. Read on to find out if you want to purchase the module.

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